Scientific Publications

Lahat, L., Sharony, C., Abraham, V, Lev, O., & Avigur-Eshel, A. (2024). Effect of Values, Institutional Trust, and Risk Perceptions on Support for Policy Tools in Immunisation against Covid-19: A Comparative Study, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis
Lahat, L & Sened, I. (2024). Behavioral knowledge for policy design: The connection between time use Behaviours and (or) desires and support for policy alternatives, Social Policy & Administration, 58(3). 385-403.
Lahat, L. Keynan, O. & Scala, F. (2024). Capitalising on Twitter for Policy Learning during Crises: The Case of the Covid-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Public Administration, 47(10), 680-689.
Lahat, L. Klenk, T. & Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2023). Street-Level Bureaucrats as Policy Entrepreneurs and Collaborators: Findings from Israel and Germany, European Policy Analysis, 9(4), 397-417.
Lahat, L., & Sened, I. (2023). The politics and policies of sleep? Empirical findings and the policy context, Policy Studies, Policy Studies, 44(3), 408-430.
Lahat, L. & Nathansohn, R. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities for Equity in Public Management: The Case of Digital Applications in Multicultural Cities. Public Management Review
Nathansohn, R., & Lahat., L. (2022). From urban vitality to urban vitalisation: Trust, distrust, and citizenship, Cities.
Lahat, L., & Sabah, Y. (2021). Effects of different kinds of trust and leadership on outputs of collaborative processes: the case of personal social services in Israel. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 34 (3), 336-355.
Lahat, L., & Sabah, Y. (2020). Adaptive Regulation: A Possible Model for Regulation and Innovation in Personal Social Services. Israel Studies Review, 35 (3), 11-30.
Lahat, L., & Ofek, D. (2020). Emotional well-being among public employees: A comparative perspective. Review of Public Personnel Administration.
Lahat, L. (2020). Changing expectations? The change in the role of Ministry in the regulation of personal social services, The American Academy of Political and Social Science – ANNALS 691(1), 153-173 Special issue.
Lahat, L., & Sened, I. (2020). Time and Well-Being, An Institutional, Comparative Perspective. Is it Time to explore the idea of a Time Policy? Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 30 (3): 275-292.
Lahat, L., & Sher Hadar, N. (2020). A Threefold Perspective: Conditions for Collaborative Governance. Journal of Management and Governance. 24 (1), 117-134.
Lahat, L. (2019). The Challenge of the Academia - Practitioner Connection: The Case of Social Services in Israel. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 85 (1), 173-190.
Lahat, L. (2018). Swimming on Land: Some Suggestions for Today's Public Administration. Perspectives, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 30(3), 229–238.
Lahat, L. (2018). The Effects of Knowledge about Poverty, Exposure to Poverty and Trust on Policymakers’ Perceptions about Poverty. Social Policy & Administration, 52(3), 611-630.
Van de Walle, S., & Lahat, L.(2017). Do Public Officials Trust Citizens? A Welfare State Perspective. Social Policy & Administration. 51(7), 1450-1469.
Lahat, L., & Talit, G. (2015). Regulation of Personal Social Services - The Israeli Experience. Social Policy & Administration, 49(3), 335-355.
Lahat, L. (2011). How Can Leaders' Perceptions Guide Policy Analysis in an Era of Governance? Policy Sciences, 44(2), 135-155.
Lahat, L., & Menahem, G. (2009). Causes and Remedies for Poverty: Perceptions among Local Elected Leaders in Israel. Journal of Poverty and Public Policy, 1,(2), 1-31.
Lahat, L. Sharony, C & Sened, I. (2023). Uses of time and preferences for uses of time and gender differences: Findings from Israel and thoughts about policy. Journal of Social Security.
Lahat, L. & Sabah, Y. (2018) Adapted regulation as a possible model for personal social services: Theoretical and practical aspects. Society and Welfare. Vol.38, 149-174.
Lahat, L., & Sher-Hadar, N. (2015). Public Value Failures and the Israeli Public Protest. 'Social Security' Journal of Social Security, 96, 29-53.
Lahat, L., & Talit, G. (2012). Regulatory Mechanisms in Personal Social Services: The Case of Israel, Journal of Social Security, 90, 81-120.
Lahat, L. (2009). The Individual’s Fault or the Society? Policymakers' Perceptions of Poverty in Israel, Journal of Social Security, 80, 58-102.
Lahat, L., Menahem, G. & Katan, J. (2007). Attitudes of Heads of Local Authorities in Israel: The Sources of Poverty and Ways to Deal with Poverty, Israeli Sociology, 9(1), 71-101.
Menahem, G., Lahat, L. with Simantov, A. (2006). The Dilemmas of New Governance: A View from the Social Capital Perspective, Israeli Sociology, 7(2), 397-424.
Other Scientific Publications
Nathansohn, R. & Lahat, L. (2022). “Smart” and “Mixed” Cities: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Applications. Research
report, The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace.
Lahat, L & Sened, I. (2019). Time and Policy: Uses of time, policy preferences, and policy perceptions. Research report. The National Insurance Institute of Israel.
Lahat, L., & Sher Hadar, N. (2017). Collaborative governance: Literature review (draft for discussion). Jerusalem: The Center for Social Justice and Democracy in Memory of Yakov Chazan at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Lahat, L., & Talit, G. (2011). A Work in Process or a Necessary Change? Regulation of Personal Social Services in Israel. Policy Paper no. 2011.02. Jerusalem: Taub Center. (Hebrew).